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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Network and Networking
When two or more computer connecting to the transmission medium, which is either wire or wireless, to share resources called “network” this process is called networking. 

Benefits of Networking

File sharing
Resources sharing
Program sharing

Type of networks

Networks are divided on the base of role of computer into the Network
And according to the geographical area.

Local area network [LAN]
Metropolitan area network [MAN]
Wide area network [WAN]

Local area network [LAN]

LAN is a communication facility that covers a limited geographical area (such as within the same building, a campus of adjacent building) and for small no. of computer, usually within 100 to 300 meters.

Metropolitan area network [MAN]

MAN is a communication facility within a city.

Wide area network [WAN]

WAN is a wide area communication facility that covers a wider geographical area ranging from a few kilometers to around the globe and supported by transport medium such as microwave link, satellite.

WAN are of three types

  1. Internet
  2. Intranet
  3. extranet

Internet is network of computer networks that use TCP/IP network protocol to facilitate data transmission

          The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suit (TCP/IP) to facilitate data transmission.
It is also called public net. It is open system and user need not belong to any special group, no special fees required to access. Any where use it any time free of cost/mean very few charge.


It is private/corporate network.
              A network of networks that interconnected within in a single organization. The sites within an intranet are generally closed to the intranet and are accessible only for within organization. All the facility or services available (video conferencing, e-mail, chatting, voice communication) like internet between them they work in corporate, are related to company.


An extranet is private networks that use internet technology or the public telecommunication system to securely share part of business information or operations with supplier, vendors, partner, customer or other business. An extranet can be viewed as a part of a company’ intranet that is extended to user outside the company.

Actually extranet is combination of internet and intranet.

Type of network according to the role of computer into the network

  1. Client/Server architecture
  2. Peer to Peer network

Definition Operating System

An operation system is the most important program that runs on a computer. It is intermediary program between hardware and software.. It is program which supervises the activities of the computer and activates the operation of the hardware component such as CPU, main memory, disk drive, keyboard, monitor, printer etc


A program that controls the execution of application programs, and act as an interface between the application and the computer hardware.


An operating system is an organized collection of programs that controls overall operation of a computer. It manages system resources, runs programs in response to commands from the user and supervises the interaction between the system and its users. The operating system also forms a foundation on which applications software – such Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Accounting programs are programs are developed and executed

The process of loading the operating system form the secondary storage onto the RAM is known as booting.

This is also known as the name “Interface device”.

Example for operating system: MS-DOS, WINDOWS-98/2000/XP/2003/2007, UNIX and LINUX.

Types of Systems

To accommodate specific user requirements, different types of operating systems exist.

Single User Systems

These systems execute just one program at a time.

Multiprogramming or Multitasking Operating System

In multiprogramming operating system, more than one program is executed at a time.  

Multitasking operating system executes several programs at one time. Example:

Windows XP and so on.

Serial Processing operating system

In Serial processing operating system the processing occur sequentially. Result of one action is known before a next action is considered. Example the earliest computer system has no OS at all.

The Serial Processing Operating Systems are those which Performs all the instructions into a Sequence Manner or the Instructions those are given by the user will be executed by using the FIFO Manner means First in First Out

Mainly the Punch Cards are used for this. In this all the Jobs are firstly Prepared and Stored on the Card and after that card will be entered in the System and after that all the Instructions will be executed one by One. But the Main Problem is that a user doesn’t interact with the System while he is working on the System, means the user can’t be able to enter the data for Execution. 

Batch processing operating system

In batch processing operating system the task are performed in batches or execution of a series of program without manual intervention. Example the earliest computer system has no OS at all.


The Batch Processing is same as the Serial Processing Technique. In the Batch Processing Similar Types of jobs are Firstly Prepared and they are Stored on the Card.

Time sharing operating system

In time sharing operating systems the operating systems shares the time between the tasks. I.e. if job A takes 6 minutes to complete and the predefined time to the OS is 2 min it first performs the first job A for 2 minutes, and then takes up job B (the next one) and this way shares its time between all the jobs arriving.

Online Timesharing operating system

online time sharing operating system has the same function  of the time sharing operating system except that the jobs are given time in the order they come. Example: UNIX server (multiuser system)

Real Time system [RTOS]

A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system (OS) intended to serve real-time application process data as it comes in, typically without buffering delays. Processing time requirements are measured in tenths of seconds or shorter. The primary aim of a real time system is to provide immediate response to events. User convenience and resource utilization are secondary. Priority scheduling is used to achieve real time efficiency. Real-time operating systems are used to control machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems. An RTOS typically has very little user-interface capability, and no end-user utilities, since the system will be a "sealed box" when delivered for use. Example PICOS 18 , pSOS

On line ticket booking is an example of the types of processes handled by this system.

A distributed operating system manages a group of independent computers and makes them appear to be a single computer. The development of networked computers that could be linked and communicate with each other gave rise to distributed computing. Distributed computations are carried out on more than one machine. When computers in a group work in cooperation, they make a distributed system.

Embedded system

Like computers in cars, traffic lights, digital televisions, ATMs, airplane controls, point of sale (POS) terminals, digital cameras, GPS navigation systems, elevators .They are designed to operate on small machines like PDA/Pocket PC (Personal Digital Assistant) with less autonomy. They are able to operate with a limited number of resources. They are very compact and extremely efficient by design. Examples Windows CE (Consumer Electronics) and Minix 3

Personal Data Assistant. Same as Handheld PC (thin Palm top). Some cellphones have PDA capabilities, which are called 'smart phones

Functions of operating systems

1.    Controls the loading and running of programs.
2.    Organizes the use of memory between programs.
3.    Organize priorities between programs and user.
4.    Maintains security and access rights of user.
5.    Deals with errors and user instructions.
6.    Control the backing store and peripherals such as disk drives and printers.
7.    Allow the user to save files to a backing store
8.    Control the transfer of data to peripherals.
9.    Provides the interface between user and computer.

Role of operating system

    1. Management of the processor
    2. Management of the random access memory
    3. Management of the input/output
    4. Management of execution of applications
    5. Management of authorizations
    6. File management
    7. Information management

Multitasking: when computer is able to do multiple tasks at the same time namely as we are editing a file, another file can be printed. This capability is called multi-taking.

Multiprogramming: is the capability by which the computer can run multiple programs is such a way that is appears to the users that all the programs are running at the same time. Multiprogramming is a requirement in a multi-user system where many users share the same CPU.

Multiprocessing: for certain application, sometimes, the speed of the CPU is not sufficient e.g. while processing complex mathematical equations, multiprogramming with too many program, handling defense applications etc. in such cases the speed of the computer may be increased by adding one or more CPU to the existing CPU, with the OS coordinating all the CPUs help process multiple instruction simultaneously is called a multiprocessing system.

Ques1: What are differences between MS-DOS and UNIX operating system?

Answer: Main differences are 

  1. MS-DOS is a single user operating system.
  2. It have command line interface.
  3. DOS only supports FAT file system.
  4. In DOS filenames are not case-insensitive.
  5. It dose support internet facility.
  6. It comprises of four file.

·         MSDOS.SYS
·         IO.SYS
·         COMMAND.COM
·         CONFIG.SYS

MSDOS.SYS: it store important program to manage and organize data inside the computer.

IO.SYS: it is responsible for sending & receiving data to peripheral.

COMMAND.COM: this file check the working process is going well or not means it check computer unit works properly or not. It is responsible to control of peripheral device.

CONFIG.SYS: it is an ASCII text file which is responsible to providing a space for processing application programs.


1.    UNIX is a Multi-user, multitasking operating System.
2.    UNIX does have both graphical user and command line interface
3.    UNIX from the beginning supported many file system [FAT, NTFS].
4.    In UNIX file name is case-sensitive.
5.    It supports internet.
6.    It comprises of three components.

Kernel: this is the core (central part or foundation) of the system, controlling hardware and performing I/O operations.

Shell: shell is a reference (location or situation) to command interpreter.

Utility programs: these support a variety of tasks, such as copying of files, editing text, performing calculations and developing software. 

   Ques2. What are differences between MS-DOS and WINDOWS operating system?


1.    MS DOS uses command line interface. In it operations performed through command. Whereas window is graphical user interface (GUI) it is easier to use and handle. We can do any thing using menu &
Mouse.Window has no of icons to perform shortcut operations example INTERNET, RECYCLING, MY COMPUTER, and MY DOCUMENTS

2.    MS DOS does not support multi-user, multiprogramming but windows support.
3.     MS DOS support only FAT file system. But windows support many file system such that FAT16, FAT32 NTFS.
4.    Security in MS DOS is very low using FAT 16 but window support FAT32 and NTFS not easy to break.
5.    MS DOS is not a plug & plug devices but MS WINDOWS support. If you attach any hardware in your pc windows detect automatically and set it.
6.    MS DOS does not support internet facility but windows support. It is also used in networking. Example win2000/2003.
7.    MS DOS support only EXIT mode but window SUPPORT SHUTDOWN, LOG OFF, RESTART, STAND BY, HIBERNET mode.
8.    MS DOS not support USB [universal serial bus]. USB makes possible to use AGP [graphic card], DVD, external hard disk, pen drives.
9.    MS DOS does not support web technology means internet. But window

Question: Give the example of any four internal and external MS-DOS command with proper syntax.

Answer: In MS-DOS there are two ways command are executed. They are

  1. Internal command

    1. External command
               The internal commands reside in COMMAN.COM. Which loads automatically into memory [RAM] when the system is started?

              The external command resides in the disk [any storage medium CD] in the form of executable program files. They will be loaded into primary memory only at the time of execution. They have extension .EXE, .BAT, .COM.

Example of internal command

CLS, DIR, Md (mkdir),CD (changedir), Type, Ren, Rd (rmdir), Delete, Copy, Prompt, Time, Date

Example of External command

Attrib, Tree, Edit, Format, Label, Sys

Syntax of four internal commands

CLS: this command is used to clean the screen.
           Syntax: C:\CLS

DIR: this command is used for listing files and directories present in the

Current disk
          Syntax: C:\DIR

Type: it displays the content of saved file
          Syntax:  C:\ Type < file name>

Copy: this command is used for copy any file to another directory

          Syntax:  C:\ Type < source file name> <target file name>

REN: this command is used to change the name of any file or directory.

         Syntax:  C:\ Type < source file name> <target file name>

DEL: this command is used for erasing any file from the disk.

         Syntax:  C:\ Type < file name>

Syntax of four External commands

ATTRIB: this command is sets the various type of attribute of a file like Read only Archive, Hidden.

        Syntax:  C:\ attrib [+r] [+a] [h] < file name >

Format: this command is sets create new track and sectors in a disk

         Syntax:  C:\ format [drive name]

LABLE: this command is used to change volume label.

        Syntax:  C:\ label [drive name]

FDISK: this command is used to make hard driver partition.

         Syntax:  C:\ fdisk

SYS: this command is used for copy system files to any disk.

        Syntax:  C:\ sys [drive name]