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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Network and Networking
When two or more computer connecting to the transmission medium, which is either wire or wireless, to share resources called “network” this process is called networking. 

Benefits of Networking

File sharing
Resources sharing
Program sharing

Type of networks

Networks are divided on the base of role of computer into the Network
And according to the geographical area.

Local area network [LAN]
Metropolitan area network [MAN]
Wide area network [WAN]

Local area network [LAN]

LAN is a communication facility that covers a limited geographical area (such as within the same building, a campus of adjacent building) and for small no. of computer, usually within 100 to 300 meters.

Metropolitan area network [MAN]

MAN is a communication facility within a city.

Wide area network [WAN]

WAN is a wide area communication facility that covers a wider geographical area ranging from a few kilometers to around the globe and supported by transport medium such as microwave link, satellite.

WAN are of three types

  1. Internet
  2. Intranet
  3. extranet

Internet is network of computer networks that use TCP/IP network protocol to facilitate data transmission

          The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suit (TCP/IP) to facilitate data transmission.
It is also called public net. It is open system and user need not belong to any special group, no special fees required to access. Any where use it any time free of cost/mean very few charge.


It is private/corporate network.
              A network of networks that interconnected within in a single organization. The sites within an intranet are generally closed to the intranet and are accessible only for within organization. All the facility or services available (video conferencing, e-mail, chatting, voice communication) like internet between them they work in corporate, are related to company.


An extranet is private networks that use internet technology or the public telecommunication system to securely share part of business information or operations with supplier, vendors, partner, customer or other business. An extranet can be viewed as a part of a company’ intranet that is extended to user outside the company.

Actually extranet is combination of internet and intranet.

Type of network according to the role of computer into the network

  1. Client/Server architecture
  2. Peer to Peer network

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